Wednesday 3 October 2018


                            ANNE JUMP CANNON (1863-1941)

                                                          As a young girl anne jump cannon climbed to the roof with her mother to look  the stars 
by candle lights she looked through astronomy books and tried to  identity the stars   , these are the first steps to her lifes work classifying nearly 400000 stars .the result fill a 10 volume catalog known as the bible of modern astronomy thanks to cannon scientist know a lot about how are born and age ,and die   

in 1896 cannon went to work at Harvard college observatory . her job was to study glass photographic  plates of stars taken with a spectroscope , an instrument contain a prism to seprate light into a spectrum bacuse a each  made by an different elements . first cannon describe the star and then put in a catagory . 

she organized the star category in a sequence from est to coolest  (O , B,A,F,G,K,M,R,N,S.)  HERE easy way to remember the  hits * OH BE A FINE GIRL,KISS ME RIGHTNOW ,SWEET........*IN 1990 astronomical union adopted cannon system 

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Do you know where life goes after death? this is the truth..!

Do you know where life goes after death? this is the truth..!

The question is often asked by biologists

1. Where does life go after death?

Answer: Life is a kinetic energy. The food we need for the energy + of the wind + and the water that we are producing is producing our body like a power battery that can be thrown up .. Anybody who did not act in the power of the electric battery was asked where?

2. What then is death?

Answer: Death is essentially inactive to the Vital functions in our body. Breathe, the heartbeat stops, the body's inertia, the brain passing, the biology declares that death is the only thing that dies from the body of the body. There is no scientific evidence to say that there is no scientific evidence.

3. Is Life After Death?

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Answer: You need to have the brain to live life. If brain cells in the brain are affected, the brain does not work. So there is no life after death .. After the death of millions of millions of microorganisms and worms, our body will turn into the body of the old memories.

4. Science says that we have the soul of life, weighing the human body at death.

Answer: This is also an artifact. At the time of death, only 0.0005 g of the body will lose (a sugar powder). The loss is the exit of the gases in the body, particularly the foam
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5. Are some studies suggest that there is life after death?

Answer: The Art of Non-Scientific Analysts Near Near Experience Science rejects this because it does not give any evidence.


Insects can feel pain??????

                                    Insects can feel pain??????

                                                              Pain is defined as “the unwanted emotions and experiences occurring in the body and mind”.  The pain is perceived differently by different organisms. As the level of pain perception in animals is not known, a research was conducted on it. In this research, similar to the reaction in humans to pain, the effects of pain on other organisms were studied. For example, when a dog is pricked with a needle it either runs or reacts in a different way.
Can you believe that insects cannot perceive pain? But it has been proved so! Only nociceptors have the ability send pain signals to the brain. But it has been found that these nociceptors are absent in insects which means most of the insects and animals are unable to perceive pain.
So it has been proved that some of the insects and animals which harm us, will not feel pain whatever we do to them. What do you think about this? Post your comments here.

Did turtles live with the dinosaurs?

Did turtles live with the dinosaurs?

All of us know that the Turtles have a very long life span. Is it possible for them to have lived during the Ages of Dinosaurs? Yes, Absolutely! Turtles have lived in the period of Dinosaurs. Let me give you some interesting facts about the Turtles 
Dinosaurs are just 65 million years old species. But some of the fossils of Turtles date back to about 150 million years. Some Turtles have the habit of travelling about 10,000 miles per year. The female turtles dig holes in the sand and lay their eggs in them. Turtles have the ability to hold their breath for 5 years. But, when they go under water in search of food, they hold their breath only for 10 minutes.
Turtles can grow to a weight of 2000 pounds. Female turtles lay about 150 eggs every 2 or 3 years. But not all the eggs hatch successfully. Only one in thousand hatches successfully. Male turtles spend most of their lives in the sea. Although Turtles never cry, the gland in their eyes expels the unwanted salt through the eyes which appears like tears.
The sex of the Turtle is determined according to the temperature in which the eggs are maintained. The saddest truth is that 6 out of 7 Turtles die due to human activities.
I have shared some of the amazing facts about these wonderful creatures. If you can add up something to it, please do share it with us. Post your comments about this

Sunday 9 September 2018

ant boat

                        ant boat
Image result for ant boat

It is common to visit the ants without an arranged one after another .. But what about a boat / plate to stick to one another? It is used to escape the floods in the rainy season.
When the water enters the oceans with rain, the ants living in it together form a trumpet and float in the water as the leaves float. Slowly floats and save life on another ground or tree. Fire_ants_cluster_in_water
The mid-queens of the mid-dungeon are surrounded by small arms of the ants and the older ants in the age group. When floating in the water, their biggest challenge is to escape the real boat or fish.

There are no camels in Australia until 840

There are no camels in Australia until 840. Camels were needed to travel and take on the Australian terrain. For this purpose, in 1840, India imported about 6,000 Arab trademarks of camels and 1,000 central Asian bacteria of the Bacterian Camels. Of these, camels with two dimples were destroyed in the heavily hot part of northern Australia. In the northern Australia with temperatures like Rajasthan and Arabia, a gloomy Indian hawk has grown tremendously.
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Camel import was not only in Australia, but also in the US. In the 1850s, the most successful were those who lived in drier areas such as California and Arizona. But the soldiers did not like the camels from the outside, and the camels did not stick with them. By the time this force was dissolved.Image result for ஒட்டகப்படை

Brain Mushroom

                     Brain Mushroom

Brain Mushroom is another name of a mushroom named Gyromitra esculenta found in North America and Europe. This is due to the existence of a human brain. Do not think that you can eat fry, like a brain. It is a poisonous type. bizarre-mushroom-brain

These types of mushrooms in Asia, Europe and North America are used in medicine. These mushrooms help in increasing the immune system of the human body and protecting the nervous system. Its scientific name is Hericium erinaceus. It has another name. Lion mushroombizarre-mushroom-hericium-erinaceus-fungus